Spotlight: Stretching Your Learning Edges: Growing (Up) at Work
June 14, 2021
In the almost 10 years I have been writing my newsletter, Voice Lessons has come into your inbox at the beginning of the month. I have shared my new learnings around communication, some cool resources, and my schedule. I have been intentional in not using Voice Lessons for marketing.
Yet this has been such a year of the unexpected and a year full of change – so I hope you are open to a mid-month Voice Lessons: a celebration of my newest work, Stretching Your Learning Edges: Growing (Up) at Work.
It has been a time of tremendous change for us all and I hope a time of growth and development. Many of us, who have been working remotely, will be coming back in August full time into our schools and our organizations knowing we’ve been stretched – we have learned and unlearned and we are asking ourselves what do we want to keep doing and what do we want to do anew?
We can’t do ‘same same’ as we return. We need to develop to become better educators and better human beings.

As we come back, we need to ask ourselves how do we
- want to level up and stretch ourselves?
- want to be more inclusive in our thinking, our communications, and our actions?
- want to engage more deeply in our conversations around equity, diversity, and belonging?
- want to commit to changing the system for the ‘betterment of humanity’ through work on developing ourselves?
Stretching Your Learning Edges workshops will help you and your team start off on the right foot this school year.
Through the study of five key facets for individual and collective development we can learn to be bigger and better versions of ourselves as leaders, collaborative team members and educators.
What are the five facets of development we will be focusing on?
- To know ourselves and our identities, our upbringings, our strengths and our limitations
- To better suspend our certainty and to think with greater complexity and openness
- To take increased responsibility for our language and all our communications
- To engage with reciprocity and to live ‘out loud’ our belief of mutual respect for all
- To build our resiliency and work on our emotional health
How might you shape the workshops to fit your context and your time frames?
Schools and organizations are bringing in the work into their organizations in different formats…
- ‘learning sprints’ over several days
- 90 minute workshops over a semester
- book studies with live and asynchronous pieces
- keynotes and conference workshops
- facet focused sessions on key ideas that are a focus for the year
Who can join in a workshop?
Anyone in a school or organization in any role who wants support and structures as they go on a journey of building capacity in themselves and their community.
- Senior leadership teams
- Teacher leader teams
- Mentors and coaches
- New teachers
- Classified Departments (Finance, Admissions, Development, Human Resources, Transport, Facilities, Administrative Assistance, Etc.)
Where can I get the book?
The book is available in paperback and e-book form and can be purchased through MiraVia here.
Do you have a video explaining the idea of the workshop?
A 12 minute talk I gave to a the e-Rotary Club of the Silicon Valley can be viewed here.
And, again, more info about the workshop can also be found on my website here.
I’m in! I would like to have Jennifer to work with our team! Where can I contact Jennifer?
Find Jennifer at
Knowing how to be our best selves and be emotionally self-regulated, mature, and respectful colleagues is so important for all of us, not to mention how important it is for our students, and for the communities in which we serve. Here’s to stretching at our edges!