These respected consultants are broadminded, caring, thoughtful, other-focused, and incredibly capable individuals with expertise in topics directly aligned with my work. Please let me know if you would like an introduction, or if you have any questions about how their work can be integrated with my work in order to create a more robust and impactful set of learning experiences for your organization.
Jennifer Garvey Berger, Cultivating Leadership
Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey, Minds at Work
Jennifer Delashmutt
Stacy Stephens, VSI Collaborative
Kim Cofino, Eduro Learning
Elena Aguilar, Bright Morning Team
Doreen Miori-Merola, Thinking Collaborative
Robyn Jackson, Mind Steps Inc.
Lori Cohen Consulting
Alli Rodman, The Learning Loop
Becki Cohn-Vargas, Cohn-Vargas Consulting
Timothy Clark, Leader Factor
Jeffrey Benson
Darnell Fine, Instructional Coach
Derrick Gay
Homa Tavangar
Barbara McAfee, Full Voice Work
Danny Bauer, Better Leaders Better Schools
Ellen Mahoney, Sea Change Mentoring
Kristine Tesoriero Mizzone, Collaboratory Consulting
Kirsten Pontius
These books and websites are those which I continually keep on my office bookshelf and go back to over and over as I work with schools. They inform my work as I support schools on their quest to create healthy, professional adult learning cultures. If you have any questions about how these resources can be utilized, please let me know.
Changing on the Job: How Leaders Become Courageous, Wise, and Steady in an Anxious World by Jennifer Garvey Berger
Tell Me So I Can Hear You: A Developmental Approach To Feedback For Educators by Eleanor Drago-Severson
Community: The Structure of Belonging by Peter Block
Perseverance by Meg Wheatley
The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the Path to Inclusion and Innovation by Timothy R. Clark