Category: Perspective Taking

Shared Bank

May 1, 2024

This month, in the spirit of always growing, I attended a professional development workshop hosted by Essential Partners. The focus of the workshop was to […]

Must Be Present to Win

March 1, 2024

I had the good fortune of being in Ho Chi Minh City for Tet, the Lunar New Year. And as I got over some of […]

Sawbona – I See You

November 1, 2023

As she was going out to grab a cup of coffee, a secretary at my former workplace, Palo Alto Unified School District in Palo Alto, […]

Suspend Your Certainty – Your Way Isn’t The Only Way…and Yet…

October 2, 2023

I have been lucky enough to spend time recently in a travel medicine clinic. I say lucky, as since COVID, I am now again heading […]

If You Can’t Get Out of It…

September 1, 2023

School has started. My friends are sharing photos of their children on social media. Schools are sharing first day back photos of both faculty meetings […]

Being an Auntie Is a Responsibility We Need To Take Seriously

April 3, 2023

Spring is known for new beginnings in my hemisphere. Flowers, sunshine, and the delight of warmer temperatures. The sun doesn’t go down the middle of […]

Beyond Just Getting Along

March 1, 2023

I find myself still thinking about the idea which I wrote about last month – the idea of being a ‘pro.’ What does it take […]

We Adults (and Kids) Can Do Hard Things

November 1, 2022

I recently went to Eastern Europe with my boyfriend, Stewart, ahead of a conference I was presenting at in Germany. One of our key motivations […]

We Are In The Same Boat

October 3, 2022

There have been many moments over the past month where I have worked on my patience. Waiting for a bathroom on an airplane. Waiting for […]

Muddy Puddle

June 1, 2022

Ah, June. The end of school. Celebrations completed. Sundowns extended. A time to be.
I have been taking classes on the art of developmental coaching. The […]