Blog Posts

Jennifer publishes a monthly blog, "Voice Lessons." For the last 8 years, she has provided monthly commentary on communication challenges and a set of cool resources. Check out recent posts, categories and archives to explore more.

"Voice Lessons (Jennifer’s monthly newsletter) is the only newsletter I read word for word and all the way through. It always has great thought provoking content and links. I often wonder when we send these things out into people’s inboxes if they actually engage with what we take the time to write and I thought Jennifer should know that her work is read, thought about and appreciated."

Samantha Wynne, Early Childhood Consultant, Fremantle, Western Australia

Growing Older

July 1, 2024

I am now 57 years old. I told someone I was 58 this week but I am 57. I ultimately checked on and even […]

No More Emotional Pollution

June 3, 2024

I don’t like working out. I will lift weights and walk on treadmills, go for a hike and even attempt to jog, but I don’t […]

Shared Bank

May 1, 2024

This month, in the spirit of always growing, I attended a professional development workshop hosted by Essential Partners. The focus of the workshop was to […]

Let’s Check In

April 1, 2024

March was a big month of international travel. I had the honor of worked with schools and organizations three different parts of Asia – Shanghai, […]

Must Be Present to Win

March 1, 2024

I had the good fortune of being in Ho Chi Minh City for Tet, the Lunar New Year. And as I got over some of […]

Shed Your Skin

February 1, 2024

I had the pleasure of working with a colleague on a trip this past week and with that trip came a delightful home cooked meal […]

If It’s On the Menu

January 1, 2024

Happy New Year! A time to review the last year and plan for the year ahead. I too am celebrating what went well, reflecting on […]

Empower Yourself

December 1, 2023

My word for 2024 is Empower. “To make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life.”
Three immediate memories come to mind when I […]

Sawbona – I See You

November 1, 2023

As she was going out to grab a cup of coffee, a secretary at my former workplace, Palo Alto Unified School District in Palo Alto, […]

Suspend Your Certainty – Your Way Isn’t The Only Way…and Yet…

October 2, 2023

I have been lucky enough to spend time recently in a travel medicine clinic. I say lucky, as since COVID, I am now again heading […]