Blog Posts

Ever After – The Rest of the Story

November 1, 2015

Michael Cunningham, the award-winning author of The Hours, has a new book out; a new spin on fairy tales called A Wild Swan and Other […]

What Success Really Looks Like

October 1, 2015

Bright Spots and Blots Define a Career Trajectory
This article was originally published in the October 2015 Journal “Pathways to Leadership” for Learning Forward.
The image of […]

Kia Ora – Ni Hao – Namaste

October 1, 2015

September was a journey. A month of travel. New people. New learnings. I loved every minute. I never got […]

Where’s Your Mountain? Where’s Your River?

September 15, 2015

By the time you read this I will have started my month-long stint on the road to New Zealand, Shanghai and Mumbai. I am […]

Learning through ‘Outside Eyes’

August 1, 2015

The coldest winter I ever spent was a conference-going summer in any air-conditioned room across the USA in July. Brrr. I have worn […]

Input Not Imprint

July 1, 2015

I sent my editor the first draft of my next book, which is tentatively titled, Having Hard Conversations 2.0: Extending the Learning. It is a […]


June 1, 2015

My nephew graduated from pre-school this past week. Video from his father came via my cell phone. He was great at the choreography […]

Women in Leadership: Does Gender Matter?

May 28, 2015

This post was originally written by Jennifer and published on Education Week’s opinion blog, Finding Common Ground.
Mad Men ended on Sunday and Joan Holloway, played […]

Women and Leadership: 3 Ways We Need to ‘Show the Love’

May 13, 2015

This post was originally written by Jennifer and published on Education Week’s opinion blog, Finding Common Ground.
After the posting of the last blog I wrote […]

Women in Leadership: Gender Bias and the ‘Confidence Gap’

May 5, 2015

This post was originally written by Jennifer and published on Education Week’s opinion blog, Finding Common Ground.
May is a time of celebrations and leavings in […]