Podcast: How Can I Hold My Discomfort and Move Forward?

July 31, 2020

On the 'Be a Better Ally Podcast' entitled, 'How Can I Hold My Discomfort and Move Forward?' Jennifer Abrams gives us practical advice on how to engage with necessary conversations.


The Be a Better Ally Podcast is a part of The Be a Better Ally Newsletter mission: engaging educators everywhere with thinking that builds more LGBTQ+ inclusive schools. They host leading thinkers and educators who will inspire you to rethink classroom practice, classroom libraries, and policies that make schools welcoming to your entire community.

Listen to the Podcast

Jennifer Abrams

About Jennifer Abrams

Jennifer has been recognized as one of "21 Women All K-12 Educators Need to Know" by Education Week's 'Finding Common Ground' blog. She considers herself a "voice coach," helping others learn how to best use their voices – be it collaborating on a team, facilitating a group, coaching a colleague, supervising an employee and being an all around better human being in all types of interactions.

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    Praise for Jennifer

    “I hope you are well. I approached you right after your morning session on hard conversations to thank you for the amazing workshop. I shared that I am tough to impress. Equally, important, I never smile. Nonetheless, your approach elicited a genuine excitement and passion for the work.”

    John Wilson, Curriculum Director
    Atlanta Jewish Academy, Atlanta, GA