Find Your Growth Opportunities

October 20, 2021

Read Jennifer's article in JSD's The Learning Professional. In the article Jennifer shares a self-reflection tool entitled Find Your Growth Opportunities.


While the concept of being a professional prominently features in teaching standards worldwide, as a profession we don’t devote much time to the study of what it takes to be one. In schools, the idea of defining, and then supporting, the emotional and psychological development required to be a professional remains on the periphery — it’s an expectation without support.

Read the Full Article

Jennifer Abrams

About Jennifer Abrams

Jennifer has been recognized as one of "21 Women All K-12 Educators Need to Know" by Education Week's 'Finding Common Ground' blog. She considers herself a "voice coach," helping others learn how to best use their voices – be it collaborating on a team, facilitating a group, coaching a colleague, supervising an employee and being an all around better human being in all types of interactions.

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    Praise for Jennifer

    “A thousand things are unspoken, implicit, buried in our educational lives. The invisibility of issues enforces the ineffective status quo. Change–personal, educational, institutional–requires that we speak OUT LOUD about what we know and believe. Jennifer Abrams brings decades of experience and years of training across the world to this usually overlooked essential act of finding our effective voice about what matters around learning.”

    Eric Booth, renowned art educator and author of Tending the Perennials: The Art and Spirit of a Personal Religion and The Everyday Work of Art: Awakening the Extraordinary in Your Daily Life