Claudio Sanchez Asks: Why should we speak out without fear?

July 20, 2013

Watch Jennifer speak with Claudio Sanchez, the Education Correspondent for NPR in part of the ASCD Master Class Leadership Series.

Jennifer Abrams

About Jennifer Abrams

Jennifer has been recognized as one of "21 Women All K-12 Educators Need to Know" by Education Week's 'Finding Common Ground' blog. She considers herself a "voice coach," helping others learn how to best use their voices – be it collaborating on a team, facilitating a group, coaching a colleague, supervising an employee and being an all around better human being in all types of interactions.

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    Praise for Jennifer

    “I can’t imagine how much positive impact Jennifer has had in countless schools over many years. I still lean heavily on the learning she bestowed so graciously at our school in Shanghai all those years ago. Stretching the edges and providing bombproof strategies to help us all overcome the most common and difficult challenges…what a legacy!”

    Mike Spencer, Founding Headmaster of Malvern College, Tokyo